When we left Bangkok and headed north to Chang Mai we thought we would escape some of the chaos surrounding the airport seizure but today the REDs (pro-government/Thuksin protesters) were out in full force. We left Chang Mai this morning to do some trekking in the southern area of the province but when we returned to the city this afternoon, the police were out, streets were blocked off, and there was a sea of red shirts. Apparently Chang Mai is a predominantly RED area because Thuksin is from the city. We fly out of Chang Mai (first class, by the way) tomorrow morning and head to the southern city of Phuket. So, hopefully we will fly out safely and avoid the protesters now in Chang Mai.
Trekking, rafting and elephant riding today was pretty great. We started off with the elephants trekking, then hiked through the bamboo jungle, stopped at a beautiful waterfall (whose name has escaped me) and went bamboo rafting down a river that ended up getting everyone wet except Ruby. (I’m still not sure how she avoided getting wet when we went down a small waterfall balancing on only little bamboo logs.)
Now it's time to get some grub.
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Finally, some pictures!
Balancing on our bamboo raft with two other girls from Alberta. This was taken before we got soaked.
Riding our elephant.
Out of this world cat fish that were basically eating pieces of bread out of our hands. There were hundereds of them jumping to eat the bread. Very bizarre. (This was taken when we did a little boat tour of the canals around the city. )
Rubes and I at the top of the Golden Mount in Bangkok.
Rubes and I at the top of the Golden Mount in Bangkok.
There are few things I love more than drinking a bucket of Cosmo and eating Pad Thai I bought on the street.
In BANGKOK-our very first tuk-tuk ride! Haha
In BANGKOK-our very first tuk-tuk ride! Haha
A pretty picture from the top.
Rubes at the end of our hike up--just over half-way to the summit.
On the hike up Kili in the "forest area" of the mountain.
Me sipping some coffee early in the morning on the balconey of our hotel which teetered over the crater.
Our huts on Kilimajaro! (Ours is to the right.)
Me sipping some coffee early in the morning on the balconey of our hotel which teetered over the crater.
Our huts on Kilimajaro! (Ours is to the right.)
Rubes, Simba (yes, that is his real name) and I infront of the crater.
In the background there is a sea of zebras and wildabeats and in the foreground--a lonely elephant! ALL of the other animals started to run away when the elephant came near. One of the astounding things about Ngorongoro was the co-habitation of animals-but even though he wasn't a preditor, noone wanted to be friends with this big guy.
In the background there is a sea of zebras and wildabeats and in the foreground--a lonely elephant! ALL of the other animals started to run away when the elephant came near. One of the astounding things about Ngorongoro was the co-habitation of animals-but even though he wasn't a preditor, noone wanted to be friends with this big guy.
Saturday, November 29, 2008
No Wet, No Fun!
Soooo, It's been about a week since the last post and lots has happened since then! We are currently in Thailand where there are crazy riots in the streets! We havent been able to go out after dark for fear of getting caught in a protest! We arrived on Tuesday November 26th where we met an airport full of crazed PAD (People's Alliance for Democracy) protestors. It was a mob scence! Well....actually....we made it in the country with no trouble at all, and we havent seen any protests.... BUT, it was Tuesday evening when the PAD protestors took over the airport so really we just made it in! Even though we havent witnessed any demonstrations, we are keeping up to date with the news and it is exciting being here during this politically unstable time. The demonstrators are attempting to oust the current Prime Minister (Samak Sundaravej) who happens to be the brother-in-law of former prime-minister Thaksin Shinawatra. Thaksin was forced into exhile in 2006 after a military coup d'etat. Since the current PM was appointed following Thaksin's exhile, the people believe the former prime-minister still influences the Thai government via his bro-in-law. People are upset with the amount of government corruption and are fighting to have the current PM resign. The PADs move to take over the airport has certainly gained the publicity and chaos it surely intened to. Whether or not this protest will earn the result it aims to, it will certainly put more pressure on the current Prime Minister to adhere to the voice of the Thai people.
I am personally enchanted by the Thai people's determined yet peaceful protest. Since it has not affected us in our travels so far I find the situation kind of exciting. It is very unfortunate for the people who are trying to leave the country. We have come across a few indiviuals who have had flights cancelled due to the airport closures, and they are understandably upset. Arrangements are being made to move people out of the country though, and so far the protest has not been violent. Hilds and I have some flights coming up in a week and we are hopeful that things will be resolved by then.
Political upheaval aside, our Thailand andventures so far have been great! We stayed the first two nights in Bangkok in a guest house called the D&D Inn on Khao San Road. This road is a mecca for backpackers and it is really like a street circus. There are hundreds of shops and street vendors up and down this road and Hilds and I spent most of the first day shopping. At night it turns basically into a street party where many people drink until the sun comes up. There are food vendors everywhere and you can eat delicious Thai food for about $1. We mets tons of people here from around the world and it was a fun experience. However, we both found it to be a bit exhausting on the senses and were glad to leave.
We toured several temples in Thailand which were stunningly beautiful and ornate. We took some pictures which will hopefully give you a taste. (Pictures have been challenging to load so far, but we will hopefully post some soon!). We also did a long boat tour and many informal Tuk-Tuk tours. The second night we attended Calypso Cabaret, an aisan drag cabaret which was humorously entertaining.
On Thursday night we left on an overnight train to Chiang-Mai, that journey is a blog entry in itself. Yesterday we spent the day in Chiang-Mai which is such a charmingly quiet town in comparison to Bangkok. We attended the Night Bazaar last night and got our first taste of Thai Boxing. Today our real Thai adventures started with a crazy white-water rafting trip about 2 hours north of Chaing Mai. It was a wet ride, but according to our guide: "No Wet, No Fun!" It was amazing!
Tomorrow we're doing a day trek that involves some elephant riding so stay tuned for more crazy adventures!
P.S. I tried to load some pics, but no luck today:(
I am personally enchanted by the Thai people's determined yet peaceful protest. Since it has not affected us in our travels so far I find the situation kind of exciting. It is very unfortunate for the people who are trying to leave the country. We have come across a few indiviuals who have had flights cancelled due to the airport closures, and they are understandably upset. Arrangements are being made to move people out of the country though, and so far the protest has not been violent. Hilds and I have some flights coming up in a week and we are hopeful that things will be resolved by then.
Political upheaval aside, our Thailand andventures so far have been great! We stayed the first two nights in Bangkok in a guest house called the D&D Inn on Khao San Road. This road is a mecca for backpackers and it is really like a street circus. There are hundreds of shops and street vendors up and down this road and Hilds and I spent most of the first day shopping. At night it turns basically into a street party where many people drink until the sun comes up. There are food vendors everywhere and you can eat delicious Thai food for about $1. We mets tons of people here from around the world and it was a fun experience. However, we both found it to be a bit exhausting on the senses and were glad to leave.
We toured several temples in Thailand which were stunningly beautiful and ornate. We took some pictures which will hopefully give you a taste. (Pictures have been challenging to load so far, but we will hopefully post some soon!). We also did a long boat tour and many informal Tuk-Tuk tours. The second night we attended Calypso Cabaret, an aisan drag cabaret which was humorously entertaining.
On Thursday night we left on an overnight train to Chiang-Mai, that journey is a blog entry in itself. Yesterday we spent the day in Chiang-Mai which is such a charmingly quiet town in comparison to Bangkok. We attended the Night Bazaar last night and got our first taste of Thai Boxing. Today our real Thai adventures started with a crazy white-water rafting trip about 2 hours north of Chaing Mai. It was a wet ride, but according to our guide: "No Wet, No Fun!" It was amazing!
Tomorrow we're doing a day trek that involves some elephant riding so stay tuned for more crazy adventures!
P.S. I tried to load some pics, but no luck today:(
Sunday, November 23, 2008
As most of you know, Hilds and I planned a week long safari with Phil and SheilaSparkes, a great Australian couple who were fellow CCS volunteers. Our Safaribegan with a “7 hour” bus ride to Arusha from Dar Es Salaam. 7 hours is inquotation marks because it was actually almost 10. True to Tanzanian Culture,the bus ride was subject to TFT-Tanzanian Flexible Time. But, we made it andgot checked in to the Impala Hotel. The next day we were scheduled to bepicked up for a Maasai Village tour at 830. We were actually picked up at10:10, but who’s keeping time! The tour was great, it was a really authenticexperience and the Village was located in the foothills of Mount Meru. It wasgorgeous. We got to see inside a Maasai Boma. The houses were tiny and arereally just used to sleep and escape from the rain. Some people even keeptheir cows and goats in their house at night. The kitchen is in a separatehut, but it was so smokey that we didn’t enter. Our guide took us to thevillage’s traditional healer who showed us some of his medicines and for asmall price and with some communication difficulty, told us our fortunes. Letme just say it is hard to take someone seriously when they are asking you toask a question into a Calabash filled with stones! It was a great experiencenone-the-less and we had a lot of fun.
The next day brought us to Terangire National Park which was one of thefavourite stops for both of us. This park was FULL of animals! They were allso close to your car that at times it was a little scary. At one point, we stopped near a family of elephants and one of the big ones started walking toward the car shaking its head and tusks at us! Besides the hundreds ofelephants, we also saw giraffes, zebras, ostriches, impala, water bucks, waterbuffalo, lots of birds, little deer called dikdik, baboons and monkeys. Speaking of monkeys, there were tons at our picnic site! They were so unafraidbecause they are so used to seeing tourists and know that they might be able tosnatch some food from them. One monkey jumped onto our picnic table andsnatched a doughnut from Sheila’s lunch box while she had her head turned forjust a second! It was pretty funny to watch, but we all kept our lunch boxesclosed after that! It was such a great day and Hilds and I were riding on theroof of our safari vehicle for most of the day which really made theexperience.
At the end of the day we were taken to a place call Mosquito River, where westayed in probably the dumpiest room we had ever seen (see the picture) in ahotel called the Fig Resort Centre. However, it was only one night, so wesurvived.
The next day we went to Lake Manyara National park. This park is located alongthe Great Rift Valley. After the hour and a half wait for our tour agent toprocess the money for our park fees, we finally entered the park. We didn’tsee as many animals as the day before, but this park was so beautiful becausethere was so much lush forest! We did see more zebras here, and some giraffesand elephants. One of the highlights was stopping at the Hippo pool where wesaw hundreds of hippos lazing in the water. We also caught our first glimpseof a lion at Lake Manyara. We just caught it with its back turned to us,heading back into the forest.
We came back to the Fig Resort for lunch and were informed that we wouldprobably be staying there another night, rather than at the luxury NgorongoroWildlife Lodge which we had all been looking forward to as the highlight of ourtrip. After about an hour of angry phone calls we had our driver take us to thelodge despite many protests. We arrived there just before the gates closed at6, and we suspected our safari agent was trying to weasel his way out of ourstay at the expensive lodge by delaying our arrival until the gates closed andwe couldn’t get it. However, our persistence paid off and we made it to thelodge. However, it was about 4 hours before we were granted our rooms sincenothing had been organized or paid for by Mr. Kennedy, the safari planner. All’s well that ends well however, and we stayed the night in this great lodgeoverlooking spectacular Ngorongoro crater.
The next morning we checked out without trouble and headed into the crater. Itwas such an amazing thing to see. The crater is huge and flat, about 20km indiameter. Inside there were thousands and thousands of animals all coexistingrelatively peacefully. We saw our first hyenas here, and our first wildebeest,there were so many of them! They were really funny to watch too. We say plentyof zebras, more hippos, a rhino in the distance, really cool birds and thebiggest elephant in the world I would hazard to guess! On top of this, wespotted a rhino in the distance, along with 3 lions, one cheetah and oneleopard.
We stopped for lunch at a gorgeous lake with some rhinos and lots of birds,including the dreaded Black Kite. They look much like a hawk and there were somany of them circling the picnic site. Our driver warned us to eat in the carbut I’m not sure if Hilds heard the warning because she stepped outside the carwhere she unwrapped her sandwich which was immediately snatched out of her handby one of the birds. I think the whole crater heard her scream!
The day in the crater was unforgettable. No amount of detail will adequatelydescribe it, and the pictures do it little more justice. No wonder our driverseemed to think this was one of the 8 natural wonders of the world.
After this long day, we were taken back to the Impala hotel, but not before westopped at the Safari Planners office in Arusha. At the office we all got tospeak our mind to the Arusha Rep. – Mr Loy - about the glitches in our safari;it got a little heated to say the least. For all our speaking our minds to Mr.Loy, things did not seem to be resolved as our booking at the Impala that nighthad not been secured, and the next day our ride to the bus station did not showup! But, we took it upon ourselves to get a taxi and we made it just in timeto catch our bus to Moshi.
This brings us to the end of our animal oriented Safari. In Moshi we partedways with Phil and Sheila and headed off to Marangu Gate on Kilimanjaro to start our hike.
The next day brought us to Terangire National Park which was one of thefavourite stops for both of us. This park was FULL of animals! They were allso close to your car that at times it was a little scary. At one point, we stopped near a family of elephants and one of the big ones started walking toward the car shaking its head and tusks at us! Besides the hundreds ofelephants, we also saw giraffes, zebras, ostriches, impala, water bucks, waterbuffalo, lots of birds, little deer called dikdik, baboons and monkeys. Speaking of monkeys, there were tons at our picnic site! They were so unafraidbecause they are so used to seeing tourists and know that they might be able tosnatch some food from them. One monkey jumped onto our picnic table andsnatched a doughnut from Sheila’s lunch box while she had her head turned forjust a second! It was pretty funny to watch, but we all kept our lunch boxesclosed after that! It was such a great day and Hilds and I were riding on theroof of our safari vehicle for most of the day which really made theexperience.
At the end of the day we were taken to a place call Mosquito River, where westayed in probably the dumpiest room we had ever seen (see the picture) in ahotel called the Fig Resort Centre. However, it was only one night, so wesurvived.
The next day we went to Lake Manyara National park. This park is located alongthe Great Rift Valley. After the hour and a half wait for our tour agent toprocess the money for our park fees, we finally entered the park. We didn’tsee as many animals as the day before, but this park was so beautiful becausethere was so much lush forest! We did see more zebras here, and some giraffesand elephants. One of the highlights was stopping at the Hippo pool where wesaw hundreds of hippos lazing in the water. We also caught our first glimpseof a lion at Lake Manyara. We just caught it with its back turned to us,heading back into the forest.
We came back to the Fig Resort for lunch and were informed that we wouldprobably be staying there another night, rather than at the luxury NgorongoroWildlife Lodge which we had all been looking forward to as the highlight of ourtrip. After about an hour of angry phone calls we had our driver take us to thelodge despite many protests. We arrived there just before the gates closed at6, and we suspected our safari agent was trying to weasel his way out of ourstay at the expensive lodge by delaying our arrival until the gates closed andwe couldn’t get it. However, our persistence paid off and we made it to thelodge. However, it was about 4 hours before we were granted our rooms sincenothing had been organized or paid for by Mr. Kennedy, the safari planner. All’s well that ends well however, and we stayed the night in this great lodgeoverlooking spectacular Ngorongoro crater.
The next morning we checked out without trouble and headed into the crater. Itwas such an amazing thing to see. The crater is huge and flat, about 20km indiameter. Inside there were thousands and thousands of animals all coexistingrelatively peacefully. We saw our first hyenas here, and our first wildebeest,there were so many of them! They were really funny to watch too. We say plentyof zebras, more hippos, a rhino in the distance, really cool birds and thebiggest elephant in the world I would hazard to guess! On top of this, wespotted a rhino in the distance, along with 3 lions, one cheetah and oneleopard.
We stopped for lunch at a gorgeous lake with some rhinos and lots of birds,including the dreaded Black Kite. They look much like a hawk and there were somany of them circling the picnic site. Our driver warned us to eat in the carbut I’m not sure if Hilds heard the warning because she stepped outside the carwhere she unwrapped her sandwich which was immediately snatched out of her handby one of the birds. I think the whole crater heard her scream!
The day in the crater was unforgettable. No amount of detail will adequatelydescribe it, and the pictures do it little more justice. No wonder our driverseemed to think this was one of the 8 natural wonders of the world.
After this long day, we were taken back to the Impala hotel, but not before westopped at the Safari Planners office in Arusha. At the office we all got tospeak our mind to the Arusha Rep. – Mr Loy - about the glitches in our safari;it got a little heated to say the least. For all our speaking our minds to Mr.Loy, things did not seem to be resolved as our booking at the Impala that nighthad not been secured, and the next day our ride to the bus station did not showup! But, we took it upon ourselves to get a taxi and we made it just in timeto catch our bus to Moshi.
This brings us to the end of our animal oriented Safari. In Moshi we partedways with Phil and Sheila and headed off to Marangu Gate on Kilimanjaro to start our hike.
Friday, November 21, 2008
THEE one night Kili hike!
Alright, so I tried to upload some pictures from the past three weeks but the internet is so slow it won’t allow it. Instead you’ll have to settle for a quick synopsis. So much has happened I’m not exactly sure where to begin, I suppose I’ll start with today—our climb back down Kili. Since we only had roughly a week in Tanz after we finished volunteering Ruby and I decided to split our time between Safari and climbing Kili. Yesterday we climbed over half-way up the mountain and settled for the night in some huts. The scenery was really breathtaking, it was the “forest” part of the mountain terrain with lush, lush tropical forest full of waterfalls and monkeys. When we arrived at the camp with our guide, porter and cook it was bloody cold! I was not expecting it to be as cold as it was. A hat and mitts would have been handy to have. Luckily, we were served a warm meal of cucumber soup (a Tanzanian favourite) with hot tea and toast. We shared out little tiny hut with a 53 old woman from Finland who had unfortunately failed to reach the summit due to altitude sickness and was on her way back down. After dinner we played a couple of hands of Crazy Eights (or in Kiswahili, Chizi Nane) with our guide, cook and a crazy Yankee called Ross (Ross is self-employed in the business of back pack straps, more specifically straps that hold your sleeping bag onto your pack). After a couple of thoroughly entertaining hands we called it a night and settled into our cozy warm sleeping bags for the night. All things considered (the temperature and our snoring finish roommate) we had a relatively peaceful and enjoyable sleep. We awoke at 6:00a.m., had some hot tea and took off on our hike. We reached a height of 3300meters, took some pictures and head back down to camp for some breakfast. After eating we packed our goods and hiked back to the base. Climbing back down isn’t entirely as easy as you might think. It’s easy to loose your footing or trip on the one of the thousands of protruding roots and rocks along the path. We both fell of course—it was inevitable. (Haha)
We’re staying in Moshi town for the next couple of days at a quaint little hotel called “Key’s Hotel”. There is a great pool here and our room is a little round hut with a T.V. AND a shower curtain…You have no idea how much of a luxury a shower curtain can be!
We have lots more to tell about the rest of our safari and we will post again soon with some pics!
2 more days until Thailand!
We’re staying in Moshi town for the next couple of days at a quaint little hotel called “Key’s Hotel”. There is a great pool here and our room is a little round hut with a T.V. AND a shower curtain…You have no idea how much of a luxury a shower curtain can be!
We have lots more to tell about the rest of our safari and we will post again soon with some pics!
2 more days until Thailand!
Thursday, November 6, 2008
We fell in love with Zanzi.
Some of the girls dressed up for traditional Tanzanian dance and music night! Note the Kangas we're wearing.
View from Prisoners Island.
Awww, little baby turtles.
Turtles!! The turtles on Prisoners Island (part of Zanzibar, but not on Zanzibar Island) are the largest turtles nextto those on the Galapagos Island. Some were as old as 200yrs.
Rubes and I enjoying a local Tanzanian beer after a fantastic time snorkeling!
This boat is similar to the one we took out diving later that day.
The view from our beach side huts (not nearly as glamorous as they may sound).
Looking pretty happy, I'd say.
Ohhhhh, the meat market-- I barely made it through there without vomiting from the stench. All of the meat (hanging raw of course) were covered in bugs.
Walking through the old Stone Town markets (this one fruit) notice the sleeping vendor to your right.
The start of our tour through Stone Town.
Welcome to Zanzibarrrrrr!! And what a welcome it was--we had to smooth-talk our way through customs since Kerry forgot her passport! Haha It was a little stressful but it turned out okay in the end.
This is the view of Stone Town as we approach the Island on the ferry. The ferry that was supposed to be 1.5 hours, but turned into 3!
View from Prisoners Island.
Awww, little baby turtles.
Turtles!! The turtles on Prisoners Island (part of Zanzibar, but not on Zanzibar Island) are the largest turtles nextto those on the Galapagos Island. Some were as old as 200yrs.
Rubes and I enjoying a local Tanzanian beer after a fantastic time snorkeling!
This boat is similar to the one we took out diving later that day.
The view from our beach side huts (not nearly as glamorous as they may sound).
Looking pretty happy, I'd say.
Ohhhhh, the meat market-- I barely made it through there without vomiting from the stench. All of the meat (hanging raw of course) were covered in bugs.
Walking through the old Stone Town markets (this one fruit) notice the sleeping vendor to your right.
The start of our tour through Stone Town.
Welcome to Zanzibarrrrrr!! And what a welcome it was--we had to smooth-talk our way through customs since Kerry forgot her passport! Haha It was a little stressful but it turned out okay in the end.
This is the view of Stone Town as we approach the Island on the ferry. The ferry that was supposed to be 1.5 hours, but turned into 3!
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Halloween on Zanzibar!
Tomorrow morning Rubes and I are heading to Zanzibar with some other volunteers. Tanzanians don't celebrate Halloween but regardless I wanted to try and celebrate somehow. I made masks today with my class (which i would guess is one of the firsts times they have ever done a craft) and tonight Ruby and I are going to carve some Watermelons! Haha, we're doing the best we can with limited resources--tomorrow is also one of our fellow volunteers birthdays so we'll be going out tomorrow night to celebrate both occasions.
This past week at the school has been much better than the last. We spoke with the gentleman in charge of the school and we were able to convince him to get two more teachers. Now I only have around 40-45 children in my class at a time. Ruby has a little bit more. It's made it much easier to give the kids the one on one time that they need--but still it's very, very hard. With absolutely NO resources it's hard to teach so many children who vary in age and academic ability. Children who aren't fast learners or who are at all slow, really get left behind. The class just keeps going because there isn't time for the teacher to guve any additional help. So, I'm trying to split the class up in groups according to their level. Math is a bit of a problem in my class. Our swahili is improving and we are able to communicate at a VERY basic level with the kids, but it's still very difficult when your vocabulary is so small.
Anyhow, I have to go, not only is my time running out, but I can't stand listening to the woman who owns this internet room chew so obnoxiously any longer. (Tanzanians aren't known for their table etiquette that's for certain.) :)
This past week at the school has been much better than the last. We spoke with the gentleman in charge of the school and we were able to convince him to get two more teachers. Now I only have around 40-45 children in my class at a time. Ruby has a little bit more. It's made it much easier to give the kids the one on one time that they need--but still it's very, very hard. With absolutely NO resources it's hard to teach so many children who vary in age and academic ability. Children who aren't fast learners or who are at all slow, really get left behind. The class just keeps going because there isn't time for the teacher to guve any additional help. So, I'm trying to split the class up in groups according to their level. Math is a bit of a problem in my class. Our swahili is improving and we are able to communicate at a VERY basic level with the kids, but it's still very difficult when your vocabulary is so small.
Anyhow, I have to go, not only is my time running out, but I can't stand listening to the woman who owns this internet room chew so obnoxiously any longer. (Tanzanians aren't known for their table etiquette that's for certain.) :)
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
To the left, Ruby's hand, and to the right, a massive moth. (Just to give you an idea of what we're up against here--hahaha.)
A picture of the Indian Ocean and some Bagamoyo fisherman.
Some mtotos (kids) playing in the water.
This is a large soccer field that is three times larger than what you see in this picture. There are always goats and cows roaming around on the soccer field, the roads even the school yard.
Annnnnd, some 22 year old alligators we stumbled upon. Eeeeeek!
A picture of the Indian Ocean and some Bagamoyo fisherman.
Some mtotos (kids) playing in the water.
This is a large soccer field that is three times larger than what you see in this picture. There are always goats and cows roaming around on the soccer field, the roads even the school yard.
Annnnnd, some 22 year old alligators we stumbled upon. Eeeeeek!
After the rain...
It has been unbearably hot the past few days, so when it rained yesterday for the first time in weeks we were thrilled. The rain came down in sheets, it cut the heat and Bagamoyo was actually "cool" for the first time since we arrived. (By cool I mean 20 degrees rather than 40.)
Myself and two other girls even went for nice run along the beach because of the lovely temperature change.
The problem is that since the rain and since the sun set last night the village has been infested with bugs everywhere. It was the creepiest thing last night to go to bed watching bugs crawl on top of your mosquito net. There are flying beetles the size of two toonies flying all over the place. It's actually ridiculous the amount of bugs that are out since the rain fall. Some are obviously hatching on the pools of water lying in the roads. I saw the largest spider I have ever seen today--it was probably the size of business card. The bugs are out of hand--in the time it has taken me to write this post I have had two flying beetles land on me and I have probably killed a dozen smaller ones.
I have to get out of this room.
Myself and two other girls even went for nice run along the beach because of the lovely temperature change.
The problem is that since the rain and since the sun set last night the village has been infested with bugs everywhere. It was the creepiest thing last night to go to bed watching bugs crawl on top of your mosquito net. There are flying beetles the size of two toonies flying all over the place. It's actually ridiculous the amount of bugs that are out since the rain fall. Some are obviously hatching on the pools of water lying in the roads. I saw the largest spider I have ever seen today--it was probably the size of business card. The bugs are out of hand--in the time it has taken me to write this post I have had two flying beetles land on me and I have probably killed a dozen smaller ones.
I have to get out of this room.
Saturday, October 25, 2008
A few pics
Hey guys!
This first picture is of all the volunteers being picked up at the airport. We were missing Rupert, the older and very charming Brit whose flight was delayed. He was forced to take a taxi to Bagamoyo. Everyone else was driven in this mini-bus by our driver Didas. We arrived around dinner time to the house you see below. Our house is so well kept and looks like paradise in comparison to the town we live in!
This picture was taken in Dar es Salaam, hopefully it gives you a bit of an impression of what it is like here. The town where we are staying, Bagamoyo, is much more rural but has the same sandy streets with lots of small shacks where people live. We will try to post more pics soon!
This first picture is of all the volunteers being picked up at the airport. We were missing Rupert, the older and very charming Brit whose flight was delayed. He was forced to take a taxi to Bagamoyo. Everyone else was driven in this mini-bus by our driver Didas. We arrived around dinner time to the house you see below. Our house is so well kept and looks like paradise in comparison to the town we live in!
This picture was taken in Dar es Salaam, hopefully it gives you a bit of an impression of what it is like here. The town where we are staying, Bagamoyo, is much more rural but has the same sandy streets with lots of small shacks where people live. We will try to post more pics soon!
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Kids, Kids, Kids.
When we walk to the "school" in the mornings (which is about 5mins from our house) as soon as the children get sight of us they come charging towards us--about 80 of them all at once.
Ruby and I both teach a class of approx. 80 kids each. They're adorable--they really are. They are incredibly intrigued with our skin and hair and just love to touch us. It's quite normal for us to be walking with 6 kids hanging off each arm and other holding on to our clothes. They sometimes fight over who gets to hold our hands-- but there seems to always be enough time for everyone to walk with us for a bit. They really just love being hugged. This is true of ALL kids in Bagamoyo--we often have children we have never seen or spoken to come run up and hug us. It's a great feeling to have so many little people so excited to see you each day.
The problem is--it's nearly impossible to give 80 kids the individual attention they need. We have absolutely nothing to work with. The 80 kids sit on the floor in front of us and we don't have pencils or crayons and only about half the kids have books. We have a chalk board and some white chalk. That's it. I don't think there is a single child in my class that has a working uniform. They're all tattered and ripped, missing buttons and have broken zippers. Today was actually pretty depressing. There just isn't enough resources here. These kids are really loosing out. We don't have time to spend with the kids on a one-on-one basis they've just been taught to memorize things. In other words, they can count 1-50 (impressive you would think for 3-5yr olds) but they have absolutely no concept of what they're actually saying. When I draw four circles on the board they can't actually count them. The whole system is really screwed up. The teachers aren't really teachers--they're "volunteers" who have no teaching experience and who havent been paid in months.
All of the kids that we are working with all come from extrem poverty. They are either orphans, HIV + or are deemed very vulnerable kids.
My time is running out...must run.
Ruby and I both teach a class of approx. 80 kids each. They're adorable--they really are. They are incredibly intrigued with our skin and hair and just love to touch us. It's quite normal for us to be walking with 6 kids hanging off each arm and other holding on to our clothes. They sometimes fight over who gets to hold our hands-- but there seems to always be enough time for everyone to walk with us for a bit. They really just love being hugged. This is true of ALL kids in Bagamoyo--we often have children we have never seen or spoken to come run up and hug us. It's a great feeling to have so many little people so excited to see you each day.
The problem is--it's nearly impossible to give 80 kids the individual attention they need. We have absolutely nothing to work with. The 80 kids sit on the floor in front of us and we don't have pencils or crayons and only about half the kids have books. We have a chalk board and some white chalk. That's it. I don't think there is a single child in my class that has a working uniform. They're all tattered and ripped, missing buttons and have broken zippers. Today was actually pretty depressing. There just isn't enough resources here. These kids are really loosing out. We don't have time to spend with the kids on a one-on-one basis they've just been taught to memorize things. In other words, they can count 1-50 (impressive you would think for 3-5yr olds) but they have absolutely no concept of what they're actually saying. When I draw four circles on the board they can't actually count them. The whole system is really screwed up. The teachers aren't really teachers--they're "volunteers" who have no teaching experience and who havent been paid in months.
All of the kids that we are working with all come from extrem poverty. They are either orphans, HIV + or are deemed very vulnerable kids.
My time is running out...must run.
Monday, October 20, 2008
Rest assured, we're alive.
I have so much I want to share with everyone right now, but time is of the essence. That's actually an odd statement coming from someone in Bagmoyo because everyone and everything is so laid back here. It's great but it is hard to get used to.
If I only had time to share one thing with you it would be that Tanzanians are hands down the friendliest people I have ever met. People say that Canadians are friendly, but they've clearly never met a Tanzanian.
It was strange at first because when Ruby and I first ventured out into the city on Friday our Swahili comprehension was(and still is)terrible so we didn't have any idea what people were saying. (Part of that has to do with the fact that they have 99 ways to say "Hello, how are you?") Now that we have a very (and I stress, VERY) basic comprehension we are able to converse a little better.
I'm not exaggerating when I say that most EVERYONE will say hello to you when you walk down the street and ask you how you're doing. So far everyone we have met and all of our experiences with locals have been great.
On a less positive note however, two of the girl here (both Americans)have caught Malaria and are pretty sick. They're on medication now and they should be better in a a week or so. One of the girls was on the same Antimalarial drugs though, so we have to be really diligent with applying mosquito repellent and wearing long sleeve pants and shirts. It's pretty hard to get excited about putting on long pants and long sleeves at night in 30 degree humid weather though.
Almost curfew time...better head back home.
I have so much I want to share with everyone right now, but time is of the essence. That's actually an odd statement coming from someone in Bagmoyo because everyone and everything is so laid back here. It's great but it is hard to get used to.
If I only had time to share one thing with you it would be that Tanzanians are hands down the friendliest people I have ever met. People say that Canadians are friendly, but they've clearly never met a Tanzanian.
It was strange at first because when Ruby and I first ventured out into the city on Friday our Swahili comprehension was(and still is)terrible so we didn't have any idea what people were saying. (Part of that has to do with the fact that they have 99 ways to say "Hello, how are you?") Now that we have a very (and I stress, VERY) basic comprehension we are able to converse a little better.
I'm not exaggerating when I say that most EVERYONE will say hello to you when you walk down the street and ask you how you're doing. So far everyone we have met and all of our experiences with locals have been great.
On a less positive note however, two of the girl here (both Americans)have caught Malaria and are pretty sick. They're on medication now and they should be better in a a week or so. One of the girls was on the same Antimalarial drugs though, so we have to be really diligent with applying mosquito repellent and wearing long sleeve pants and shirts. It's pretty hard to get excited about putting on long pants and long sleeves at night in 30 degree humid weather though.
Almost curfew time...better head back home.
Monday, October 13, 2008
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